Monday, May 7, 2012

Jessica's Haiku

Green grass bright and bold

 Spreading across the globe.

 Mud all around it.

 By Jessica.

Black by Faith

The darkness of a jacket

When it’s dark at night

The color of cats’ eyes

Bats flapping their wings at night

A witch laughing at midnight

Cats fighting while everyone is in bed

A mud cake going down your throat

The tip of a pen on your tongue

A black grape going down your throat

A warm sweater on your skin

A really cold leaf touching you

It makes you feel like you’re in the darkest cave.

Alliteration by Ezra

Sonny Bill sprained his spine while sewing his sock

Haiku poem by Byron

Earthquakes are crazy.

Earthquakes make the world shaky.

They drive us all mad.

 By Byron

Alliteration by Maddy F

Bitty bought bitter butter

Bitty bought a better butter

Bitty bought a bitter better butter

Than the other bitter butter

Year 5 Camp by Hayley

“Are we there yet?” I asked Mum.

 Today I was going to year 5 camp and I was in the car with Madeleine and Brook and we were on our way to the Moeraki Boulders. When we got there we found out that we needed to go over a stream to get there so, we had to park somewhere else.

When we finally found the Boulders we started to climb them. Soon it was time to leave to go to the gardens.

When we got to the gardens it was time for lunch but half way through lunch it started to rain so we had to go in the information centre. Sadly the scavenger hunt was cancelled but we still fed the ducks. Then it was time to go.

“Wow,” I said as I looked at Baldwin Street. “Do we have to climb that?” I asked but we started to climb anyway. “Huff, puff,” I said at the top but we still had to go down! When we finally got down we got a chocolate.

Soon it was time to go to Museum. When we got there we meet a lady that was going to take us for lesson named Heather and went to put our bags in the discovery pad. Next we had afternoon tea. For afternoon tea we had two biscuits and some pieces of fruit.

Soon it was time for our lesson. Our lesson was about weapons that the Maori used. After our lesson we had free time in the discovery room. The discovery room is a room that has lots of toys in it.

Then it was time for our next lesson. This lesson was about myths we had to write about how something became. My group write about how the boulders became.

Next we got more free time in the discovery room. One of my favourite games was a relaxing competition and I really liked it.

Then it was time for tea. For tea we had pizza and bread.

After tea it was time for another lesson. This lesson was about the animals in the animal attic.

After that it was time for bed. We had to set up our beds in the discovery room because we were sleeping in there.

In the morning we went to the pool. At the pool there was a lazy river and a wave pool.

Soon it was time for lunch. For lunch we had a bread roll .After lunch it was time to go back to Timaru.

We hopped in the car and said bye to Dunedin!

By Hayley.

White poem - by Amber


A brand new T-shirt,

A clear poster on the wall,

A cup of fresh milk,

A computer turning on,

Some teeth chattering in the cold,

A headband snapping,

Minty mints from the market,

Soft toasty bread,

Melting chocolate in your cart,

A pair of soft wings from heaven,

A new born baby,

And a heavenly room,
White can make your dreams come true.

Trees by Maddie W (Haiku)


Old trees stand in fields

Green trees stand in a forest

I love all the trees!

By Madeleine

Golden Coins by Maddie W

Golden Coins

Golden Coins are as bright as the sun

Golden Coins are bumpy like lots of rocks

They are as golden as a gold pencil,

They are as precious as a crystal

Gold is as special as my Mum

By Madeleine

Blue by Gemyn


A new book cover about to be ripped

A new pencil about to be used

Your writing about to be scribbled on

Someone jumping into the pool

Waves hitting the rocks at the beach

Blue guitar strings humming                                        

Icing on a cake

A plastic pencil case being eaten

Blue paper being munched on

Water being splashed in your face

Slime being rubbed in your face

Ice cream on your face                                                       

Blue is a wet ride

Simile Poem By Amber

My friend is like an Angel,

She is really pretty,

Her smile is as precious as a Halo,

She is like a miracle to me,

She glows in the sun,
She helps me in hard times.                                    


Haiku poem by Nomhle

Brutus my brown dog
Likes bumping into people
When he is tired

Alliteration by Alishya

Faith flower found flowers floating through the frost.

Billy Belogrough by Alishya

Billy Belegrough bought billions of big bouncy balls.  By Alishya

Sunday, May 6, 2012

A.N.Z.A.C Day Poem by James


The guns are as heavy as tables,

Men are as tough as steel,

Cannons firing like they were slaves,

Not letting go of their prey.

The poppies are as red as blood.

On A.N.Z.A.C day.
by James

Orange Poem by Nomhle

Orange is a colour

Orange is as sweet as love

Orange juice going down my throat

Penny’s orange folder lying around

The orange fire in the fireplace

Orange autumn leaves around the school yard

Orange logs burning in the fire

The tasty oranges make me tasteless like the sea water

Orange carrot cakes making me feel mouth-watering

The orange srumssies biscuit

The orange bed I sleep in winter

Orange tea I drink before I get a cold on the couch

The orange cat on my lap

Orange can take you to an orange juice adventure.

By Nomhle.

Breaking News by Amber

Last night a girl was a attacked by a wolf, trying to steal her goodies.  He ate Granny Pucket and Little Red Riding Hood but then the little girl’s dad saved the day and found them both in the wolf’s tummy. 

The wolf ran away before the man could get him to a nearby hospital, and is now on the loose.  So stay indoors and do NOT let him in your house.  If you see him call officer Bob on 03921058.  This is what he looks like.
By Amber.

Breaking News by Katie

I’ve just heard that two little pigs have been murdered at their houses last night on big bad wolf haunted street.

Police have caught footage on their spy cameras, are now looking for more evidence.

The wolf was caught traveling to England on the night of the incidence.

The 3rd pig said that the wolf was hungry for some little pigs.

We will get to the bottom of it.
By Katie.

Book Character Day by Nomhle

On book character day I had nothing to wear so decided to put on my tights to wear to school. When I got to school I saw others looking like book characters and I felt like crying.

The characters were Alice in wonderland (Penny) Miss Field as the cow Mrs Moynihan as old McDonald had a farm. We took photos and had a parade with our buddies. Miss Galbraith was dressed as Dora the Explorer and had Boots the monkey.

That day everyone was dressed lovely. I liked it how everyone was different characters and there were different kinds of clothing. Everyone, even the teachers looked awesome.

What I liked about book character day was when Constanza acted like Little
Red Riding Hood and the big bad wolf.   

By Nomhle.