On Wednesday
the 20th of February at Anzac Square we had the school duathlon.
My cousins Emerson,
Aunty Baa, Jam ma and Posies came to watch.
First I took
my bike over to Anzac Square and I got my label and numbers on my hands.
Then I went back to Anzac Square and
watched the Year 7 and 8s race. The year 5s and 6s moved the bikes into place.
Next I went to the starting line and Miss
Field said, “GO!” . . . we ran 1 lap around the footpath. When I got 1 mark on
my arm I was up to biking. I did three laps. I put my bike in place. I felt
excited because I thought I was third. Someone passed me so I sprinted ahead. I
was on my last lap. I heard people cheering for me. Then I finished.
I came third. I felt like it was my
birthday because I was really happy.
By Zack