Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Veronica - Chile

Veronica is Coni’s Mum and she is from Chile. Chile has 16,746,491 people living there. Chile is part of South America. Veronica comes from the middle of Chile.

70% of people in Chile are Catholic.

A popular dish is to eat is empanadas (it is a dish with mince and boiled eggs).

National Day is a very important day in Chile.

On all Saints Day people go to the cemetery to remember their loved ones who have died. There are lots of markets outside too. They also go to Mass.

In Chile, children only stay at family’s houses. They don’t sleep over at friend’s houses.


  1. Thank you mum for coming to talk about Chile .I never knew how many people lived in Chile. There are a lot of people living in chile!!!!

    love from constanza silva.

  2. thank you mum for coming to talk about chile
    I did not know that in chile there is no sleepovers
