Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Recycling Centre by Carl

At 1pm on Tuesday August 30th, Room 4, Room 5, parents and staff were sitting in cars ready to leave Sacred Heart Primary School. I was with Lydia, Ben, Carolyn and Mike (my Mum & Dad).
When we arrived at the Recycling Centre, we got welcomed by 2 roosters and Briony (the lady that took us on a tour). Briony said, “Put on a vest, yellow for kids and orange for adults”.
She walked all of us up the steps into this big green building where they sort all the rubbish. I was amazed as having 1 million dollars. There were 29 conveyer belts. I was so amazed at how many wrong things were put in the recycling bin. There were: clothes, tennis balls and other random things.
Then suddenly all of the conveyer belts STOPPED!!!!!!!!! I was thinking that someone missed something out. Next we went to where all of the paper went. I was cracking up with laughter because it was messier than my room at home!!!!!!!!!
Once we had enough time in that big green building watching what happened to our recycling we walked to our cars and put our hazard lights on and started driving to the composting area. Once we got there we had to take our last breath of fresh air and open our doors and smell the composting area. “NO!!! This smells bad around here,” I said.
There was this big machine crunching up all the compost there was a big mountain of it.
I loved going to the Recycling Centre because it was very fun.
The big box of cans
This is the big machine that was crunching up all of the compost.