Sunday, May 6, 2012

Breaking News by Katie

I’ve just heard that two little pigs have been murdered at their houses last night on big bad wolf haunted street.

Police have caught footage on their spy cameras, are now looking for more evidence.

The wolf was caught traveling to England on the night of the incidence.

The 3rd pig said that the wolf was hungry for some little pigs.

We will get to the bottom of it.
By Katie.


  1. nice picture katie and it goes with your story well done katie keep up the good work. from nomhle

  2. Great job Katie keep up the good work!!!:D from Quinn

  3. well done Katie love the story can't wait until I see more.

    1. thankyou for saying that :)

      from kate

  4. I think I did really well with my story.

    If you have any feedback or things I need to work on don't be afraid to tell me.
    from Katie
