Monday, November 18, 2013

Planets by Dakota

There are eight planets in the solar system they have all been around for a long time. They are all different because some are circle and they are all different colours.

The three planets in this report are Mars, Uranus and Mercury.


Mars is a rocky dry dusty planet. The colour is a red brown colour. There are volcanoes on Mars. It is the second smallest planet in the solar system. It is also the forth planet from the sun. It has a face that was found in 1976 by Viking one. Mars has the mars rover on it. It was named Mars after a Roman god of war.

Uranus is a pale blue colour. The shape is a circle with rings around it .It is sideways and it has a rocky core. It has 27 moons and it is 2,877 million km away from the sun. it is the 3rd  biggest planet. Uranus was found by William Herschel on the 13th of March 1781.


Mercury is circle shaped. The colour is grey. It takes 10-15 years to cross the sun. It is dry like the middle of a gobstopper. It’s the 2nd smallest planet in the solar system. It has no moons It is imposable to live there because there is no air or water. Mercury is the closest to the sun.

By Dakota

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