Monday, April 15, 2013

Ready, Set, Go by Taylia

On the 20th of February the Sacred Heart senior and middle school had their duathlon at Anzac Square.


First the Year 7 and 8s had their duathlon. Then the Year fives and sixes lined up. My heart was racing and all of a sudden somebody yelled, ‘‘Go.’’ I took off to run my first lap. I ran so far I was so puffed when I finished it. I got one red mark on my arm. After that I ran up the steps to get my scooter.


Quickly I ran to the steps holding the scooter in my arms and when I got to the concrete I took off.  I was racing. I did one lap and got one red mark on my arm and then I went round again and got another mark.

Then I ran up the steps with my scooter and put it on the grass. I took off for my final lap. I ran and ran and ran and finished the final lap. I ran up through the cones to the finish line. Brigid took my sticker and put it in the book I had lots of FUN!!


By Taylia

1 comment:

  1. Awesome story Tay! you should look at mine and post what u think of it!hope ull like it coz I like yours
