Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Cars by Carlo

Room 4’s Cars

Cars have been around for many years. They come in many shapes, sizes, colour and brands. Some cars are manual but others are automatic. Cars need petrol or diesel to work.

Room 4 brought some descriptions of their cars to write about.

 The car is white. It has five seats. Its number plate is FEE334. It is a Toyota. The model of the car is a Corolla Station wagon. The car is an automatic. It has lots of storage in the boot.

The van is black and white. It has seven seats. It is a Honda. It was manufactured in 2007. It is an automatic. The vans number plate is EPU493.

The van is blue and silver. It has lots of storage in the boot. It is an automatic. It is a Toyota. Its number plate is CRJ836. The van is the same as Dakota’s van.

By Carlo


  1. I liked how you gave lots of imfomation. from dakota

  2. I like how you used lots of info and detail in your story Carlo


  3. nice work carlo. from Ryan

  4. awesome work Carlo I liked your description on the first car.

