Monday, September 2, 2013

Room 4's Soft Toys by Taylia

Teddy bears were invented in Germany and the United States at around the same time. They were named after American President Theodore “T.R. Roosevelt Junior” (Teddy). They were based on bear cubs. Teddy bears are quite popular with children all over the world.

 Teddy bears and other animals are now made worldwide. Room 4 students brought their favourite soft toys to school to share.

The Teddy bear’s name is Mr Cuddles and he belongs to Taylia Rodgers. He has a rip above his nose from dogs. He also has a thread hanging off his mouth. He has a tail that is 3.2cm long. You can only see it if it is sticking out of his pants. He has a hard nose. Taylia’s favourite colour on his hat is pale green. Mr.Cuddles has ears that are 7.4 cm long ways. He was won at Caroline bay. He is 8 months old.

The teddy bear’s name is Mrs Cuddles and she belongs to Brylie. She is soft and cuddly. She also can be used as a pillow. She is 13.5cm tall. She is also white with a purple bow on her that says 2012. Mrs Cuddles is made in China. She belongs on Brylie’s bed.

The teddy’s name is Push. He belongs to Taylia. He is colourful. Taylia’s favourite colour on push is blue. He has a love hearts on him that say push in the middle. Push has two pink 2cm ears.




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