Monday, September 2, 2013

Room 4's Soft Toys by Sophie


Teddy bears were invented in Germany and the United States at around the same time. They were named after the American President Theodore “T.R. Roosevelt Junior” (Teddy). They were based on bear cubs. Teddy bears are quite popular with children all over the world.

Teddy bears and other animals are now made worldwide. Room 4 students brought their favourite soft toys to school to write about.

 The big dog is named Goldey. He is 2 years old. He has two shades of brown, light brown and a bit of goldish brown. He has dark brown on his nose and ears. He has a round nose and a paw that squeaks. His tail is 13cm long. Goldey belongs to Sophie Beens and lives at the end of Sophie’s bed.

The teddy bear with a green and white beanie is named Mr Cuddles. He is 24cm tall and he is soft and fluffy. He belongs to Taylia Rodgers. Taylia won Mr Cuddles at a competion at Caroline Bay. Mr Cuddles has got a ripped nose because he was bitten by some dogs.

 Mrs Cuddles is a teddy bear. She is white and fluffy. She has got a purple ribbon around her neck that says 2012. Mrs Cuddles does not squeak. She lives on the top of Brylie’s bed. Mrs Cuddles was given to Brylie by her Nana for Christmas.

By Sophie




  1. I like how you descriped all the soft toys.Carlo

  2. Wow that's so awesome Soph and Goldey report is so cute especially the nose.
