Monday, September 2, 2013

Room 4 Toys by Emma

Toys have been around for a very long time. They used to be made out of wood and metal. Today they are mostly made out of plastic and rubber. Boys and girls between the age of 0-11 love playing with different types of toys.

Room 4 brought their favourite toys to school to describe them for writing.

The Gonzo toy is on a pink boat with green barrels on the sides. Gonzo steers the boat. It starts blowing wind through a blue propeller when you push the golden button down. It is made of plastic which is bright! He belongs to Miss G. Gonzo has a chubby, blue nose.

The trash pack is grey with messy splotches of purple. She also has a blue tongue. She belongs to Matthew. She stays on Matthew’s blue shelf. She is called Mrs Monster. The trash pack is married to Mr Monster who is a blue, robot monster with bolts on him.

The minion is called Phill.He is chubby and yellow with blue overalls on. He is one month old. He belongs to Vanessa Smith. There is a button on his bottom and when you press it his brain lights up. He is quite smooth and when he gets excited Vanessa puts his orange party wig on his head.     By Emma


  1. Nice work Emma. I like it.


  2. I think I have improved a lot and I think the Gonzo report was very detailed. Emma

  3. Nice work Emma I liked the way you described the trash pack.

